Public Notices

July 24, 2024

Beauford Township

Notice of Filing for the

2024 Township General


Beauford Township, Blue Earth County

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that affidavits for candidacy will be accepted during the filing period beginning Tuesday, July 30th , at 8:00 am and closing Tuesday, August 13th , at 5:00 pm for the general Election on November 5th, 2024, for the purpose of electing candidates for the office listed below:

The Office to be filled:

One (1) Supervisor Seat “C “ for a four (4) year term.

Filing fee is $2.00. Candidates may file at the home of the Clerk, 57236 148th Street, Good Thunder, MN 56037. Please call for an appointment, 507-340-9032.

Kim Krengel

Beauford Township Clerk



The public hearing scheduled on 6:00 p.m. Monday, July 8th 2024 has been changed to 6:00 p.m. August 6th, 2024

at City Hall, 101 Oak St N, Vernon Center, Minnesota.

The Public Hearing will be held to update Ordinance #93 Water and Wastewater Rules, Regulations and Penalties. Ordinance #93 will have revisions to include, but are not limited to, definitions, point-of-sale certification compliance and requirements for license plumbers and residents. The Public Hearing will also include information on Ordinance #96 Pertaining to the Discharge of Firearms Within City Limits include definitions, prohibited acts, exceptions, reckless handling of firearms, and penalties. Included will be the summaries of revisions to Ordinance #93 and a copy of Ordinance #96. Copies can be obtained from City Hall by calling (507) 549-3240.

All interested Parties are encouraged to attend.

Kara Hansen


Pleasant Mound Township

Notice of Filing for the

2024 Township General Election

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 205.13 that a general election will be held on November 5, 2024 for the purpose of electing candidates for the offices listed below:

Supervisor C

4 year term (1 position)


4 year term (1 position)

Filing begins at 8AM on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 and ends at 5 PM on Tuesday August 13, 2024.

A filing fee of $2.00 will be paid to the Township Clerk when filing. Please call (507) 340-7748 to schedule an appointment for filing.

Pam Shouts

Pleasant Mound Township Clerk