The Blue Earth County Board meeting was held Tuesday, February 7, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. in the Blue Earth County Courthouse, Commissioners’ Room, was attended by Commissioners Kip Bruender, Patty O’Connor, Kevin Paap, Mark Piepho and Vance Stuehrenberg. Also present were County Administrator Bob Meyer, County Attorney Division Chief Megan Gaudet te Cor yell, a nd Administrative Assistant Stephanie Jahnke. Commissioners voted 5-0, unless otherwise noted:
• Accept the low bid from Digger Enterprise for the County Ditch 86 Branch 2 & 3 improvements.
• Accept the low bid from Leland Drainage Excavating for the County Ditch 86 Branch X improvement.
• Approve the final payment to WW Blacktopping, Inc. for CSAH 7 in Mapleton.
• Approve a resolution on parking restrictions on CSAH 56 in Eagle Lake.
• Approve a resolution requesting advance funding for CSAH municipal construction funds.
• Approve the Notification of Generation Resources/SCU/Pseudotied Out Generator Change of Status for the Rapidan Dam.
• Approve the short-term road and bridge maintenance program options.
• Approve the January 24, 2023 Board Minutes.
• Approve the bills as presented.
• Approve an exempt gambling permit to Ducks Unlimited Lost Marsh Chapter 105.
A complete copy of these minutes and recordings of all public hearings are on file at the County Administrator’s Office, 204 South 5th Street, Mankato, or on Blue Earth County’s website at www. Feb. 23, 2023
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